Excerpt taken from Observer article:
Jeremy Paxman
Broadcaster, journalist and author
I shall be taking three books on holiday. I may need to pay an excess baggage charge for Robert Caro’s monumental biography of the most powerful man in New York, The Power Broker (The Bodley Head £35). The story of how Robert Moses made and broke people and places is astonishing. It comes so highly recommended that it is unignorable.
I also look forward to finishing Rain, by the young British writer Barney Campbell (Michael Joseph £16.99), a raw novel about the war in Afghanistan and what it did to the young men and women sent to fight there. Campbell is a veteran of the conflict and the book smells completely authentic.
I hope also finally to tackle Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, which has been on my conscience for years. I bet it’s a treat.
Article published by The Guardian. Illustration by Sarah Tanat Jones. Original found here.